What's it all about?

I set this blog up in 2010 so people could follow my progress as I prepared for my second challenge in aid of the Bobby Moore Fund for Cancer Research UK; a three day biathlon which saw me run the Great North Run and the next day by a two day cycle to London from Newcastle.

I've made it my life's work to raise awareness of bowel cancer, the disease which robbed us of the greatest footballer to grace a football pitch and a disease I was tested for when I was 22 following a health scare.

This blog follows my training for the event, my thoughts and more importantly will allow you to follow my progress on the event.

With my new challenge I am hoping to raise £10,000 for the charity

Friday, 3 September 2010

Hitting the Press

With just over 2 weeks to go I've spent the past few evenings frantically contacting as many media/press types as possible to try and get publicity for the biathlon.  And it hasn't been all my own doing.  3 people in particular have been amazing,

My two good friends Emma Pollard and Sara Fisher have helped me prepare the press release and point me in the right directions to try and get press coverage.  I owe you two big style.

And then there's Jeremy Nicholas.  A chance comment by a fellow West Ham supporter prompted me to contact Jeremy who to his credit responded almost immediately.  I told my wife and she said "Who's Jeremy Nicholas?"  I laughed and said the immortal words "This is a staff announcement, Mr Moon has left the stadium".  She then realised who I was talking about  For those who don't know, Jeremy is the match-day announcer at The Boleyn Ground and every so often there is the announcement that Mr Moon has left the stadium 

Jeremy has kindly plugged my story on his blog http://mrmoonhasleftthestadium.blogspot.com/ and pointed me in the right direction with West Ham.

So, the press release has gone out and straight away The News Guardian in Whitley Bay have picked up the story and will be sending a photographer to do some shots and the Newham Recorder in East London has done the same. Result!!

Also, through the power of Twitter, I've been getting other pointers as to where to send the story.  So I'm now feeling very happy with things.

I've had a few more sponsorship/donations come in so I'm edging nearer and nearer the £1000 mark.  

I would also like to thank both the Newcastle United fans and the West Ham fans who have shown their support recently.  It means a hell of a lot and gives me a massive bit of encouragement as I get through the last couple of weeks of training.  I honestly couldn't do it without you.

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